Saturday, March 26, 2011

Letter to the Editor Ottawa Citizen (not published)

City plans to develop the AVTC confirmed

OC Transpo’s proposed changes to bus routes and schedules (OC Transpo plans to save $22M by 2011, Joanne Chianello, Ottawa Citizen, March 24, 2011) confirm the arrogance of city council’s recent vote to continue with development of the hospital link section of the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor (AVTC). OC Transpo plans indicate that the General Hospital campus will now only be serviced by one bus, the 106, and this bus will operate a reduced schedule.

It hardly seems credible that the provision of a lightly scheduled shuttle bus service between the General and Hurdman (10 minutes at peak and 15 off-peak) justifies construction of a $62M, 1.2 Km road unless there is an ulterior motive. Notwithstanding comments from Mayor Watson that he does not support the AVTC development and similar comments from Alta Vista/Riverview Park Ward Councillor Hume it is clear that the city intends that this road will eventually be constructed in its entirety.

Recommendations to develop the AVTC were made by contractors who will eventually benefit in a significant way from its construction. It is clearly time to eliminate the possibility of corporate influence from city management and council decisions. New rules need to be applied at both municipal and provincial government levels to eliminate corporate financial support and influence in the electoral process.

Interestingly if council were to cancel plans to construct the hospital link and to remove the AVTC from the master plan, there would be more than adequate funds available to finance OC Transpo with no need for radical changes to bus services nor for increased taxes.

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