Saturday, October 16, 2010

Vision and passion

Re: City needs visionary, not another manager: Doucet, Neco Cockburn, The Ottawa Citizen, October 15, 2010.

Candidate Clive Doucet’s claim that he is the most visionary candidate for mayor is well stated. As well as having vision, he also has a passion and honesty that is entirely missing from the three “ex-mayors” O’Brien, Haydon and Watson that reporter Cockburn refers to.

The partisan criticism expressed by right wing MPP Randy Hillier questioning Doucet’s democratic principles is both offensive and ignorant (False understanding, Ottawa Citizen, Letters-to-the-Editor, October 16, 2010). Hillier should reserve his comments for McGuinty and other provincial opponents but they have no place in a municipal campaign.

Concern about where the still large undecided vote will go has been a factor in past municipal campaigns as well as recent federal/provincial ones and it has really not done anything to improve the quality of governments we elect. People should be honest and vote with their hearts. It really is time for a change and Doucet has it all, integrity, honesty, vision and passion.

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