Thursday, September 9, 2010

Challenging the Democratic Process

A recent letter to the Ottawa Citizen suggested that voters should not vote for mayoral candidate Clive Doucet but instead vote for Jim Watson in order to prevent Larry O’Brien from being re-elected. This suggestion was challenged in two excellent letters-to-the-editor a few days later:

Both Watson’s and O’Brien’s campaigns receive substantial financial support from the corporate sector. In addition, Watson has strong ties to his former Ontario provincial government colleagues and will likely be susceptible to influence by their political agendas.

Of the three leading mayoral candidates Clive Doucet is the only one who does not have a potential conflict of interest. Clive Doucet is the only candidate who represents the interests of the public, without influence from corporate or external political sources. He truly is the people’s candidate!

Here is my own unpublished letter-to-the-editor:

Dear Sir,
Letter writer Erwin Dreessen’s letter (Doucet should quit, too. Ottawa Citizen, Sep 4, 2010) suggesting that voters should not vote for mayoral candidate Clive Doucet, but instead vote for Jim Watson (even if holding ones nose in the process) in order to prevent Larry O’Brien from being reelected.

It is this type of reasoning that challenges the entire democratic process. Voters are already jaundiced, evidenced by the low voter turn out for elections at all levels of government. People should listen clearly to what the candidates have to say and vote according to their consciences.

Colin Hine

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