Thursday, July 29, 2010

Raising campaign funds without corporate/union donations

Some municipal election campaign fundraisers still seem to think it is necessary to go to corporate donors in order to raise the funds needed to run an effective campaign for their candidate. This is really not the case if private donors take advantage of the city’s refund policy. People donating modest amounts to municipal election campaigns can receive a substantial refund from the city making campaign donations affordable; even for people of modest means.

First of all, it is important to verify that the candidate(s) whose campaigns one wishes to support are registered in the Contribution rebate program. Details on how to apply for a rebate are available on the City of Ottawa web site at: Here is a summary:

If you are issued a receipt entitled "Receipt - Candidate Campaign Contribution - Rebate Program" for the 2010 Municipal Election then you may apply for a contribution rebate provided:

* the contribution was monetary and not goods or services;
* the contribution was $50 or more;
* the contribution was made to a candidate participating in the rebate program; and
* the contribution came from you as an individual and not through a business, corporation or trade union.

A rebate is only payable if the candidate to whom you have made a contribution has complied with all of the provisions of By-law 2005-505. As part of these provisions, a candidate must first register to participate in the contribution rebate program with the City Clerk by the end of nomination day.

A minimum contribution of $50.00 is required to be eligible for a rebate. An individual who -makes contributions to more than one candidate may apply for a rebate in respect of each contribution (minimum contribution of $50.00 per candidate) but is not entitled to receive total rebates exceeding the maximum rebate of $187.50.

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