Monday, June 15, 2009

Municipal Elections Campaign Contributions - Proposed By-law Amendment

I sent an edited version of the following letter to the Ottawa Citizen last week. Unfortunately it was not published.

Proposed election contribution by-law a cop-out

Ottawa City Council yesterday made the unfortunate decision to not outlaw municipal election campaign contributions by businesses and unions (Council agreed to ask province to create election contributor by-law, Ottawa Citizen, June 10, 2009). The article cites analysis that suggests some candidates rely heavily on election campaign contributions from developers and other businesses that deal directly with the city. Contributions of this nature are no longer allowed in federal election campaigns. It is time that the city and the province enact similar legislation.

It should also be noted that while some candidates do not accept contributions from businesses or unions, some do receive significant contributions from business owners and executives whose firms deal directly with the city. The watered-down agreement that will ask the province to allow the city to enact a by-law requiring candidates to submit a list of campaign financial contributors within 30 days of an election will help a little, but it does not go far enough and will do nothing to eliminate possible conflicts of interest.

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