Thursday, November 20, 2008

Democracy at Work – Not

Here is the text from a letter I wrote to the Ottawa Citizen today:

At yesterday’s joint Transport/Transit meeting to review and approve the updated City of Ottawa draft Transportation Master Plan (TMP), some 25 delegations presented comments and in some cases alternative visions for elements of the plan. Several things became evident as the day progressed. Firstly the nature of many of the delegate presentations revealed significant inconsistencies in the draft TMP, suggesting that it is not yet ready for presentation to council. Secondly, it was clear from questions and comments from councillors that many of them already have their minds made up notwithstanding the validity of delegates’ input. Thirdly, an alternative vision of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) system offered by Councillors Doucet and Leadman was rejected without providing time for the serious consideration it clearly deserves.

Significant effort made by individual delegates is largely unappreciated and valuable suggestions go ignored. Council decisions regarding the direction the TMP will take are formed even before staff effort is completed. City staff clearly worked hard to develop the draft plan presented to the committee. Unfortunately, the work they do is based on direction from councillors some of whom have unbending political agendas and allegiances.

Council members are not experts in the complex fields of transportation and transit, so are not qualified to take a final decision on the TMP without independent expert overview. A plan of this complexity should be subject to arm’s length review by a panel of experts before being presented for approval. Why the hurry to approve this important plan without taking the time to get it right?

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