Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ecology Ottawa Petitions Against More Roads and Queensway Widening

I received the message below from a member of Greenspace-Alliance. To receive information updates contact the list admin: For information on Ecology Ottawa, go to:

From Ecology Ottawa:

Here's a riddle for you: What's the one thing you can do to destroy farmland and natural landscapes, help put summer temperatures through the roof, increase pollution in local rivers, send more Ottawans to hospital emergency rooms, and bring the city closer to bankruptcy, all at the same time?

Simple. Build a new road.

Road building and expansion in Ottawa has gotten out of control. Despite growing public health threats from smog and global warming, the city's deepening fiscal crisis, and the lip service councillors pay to the importance of smart growth and public transit, city council continues to approve one new road after another. The city website currently lists no less than 12 road construction and widening projects, but it can barely afford to maintain the roads we already have.

Mayor Larry O'Brien has already stated that when council sits down this year to grapple with the challenge of balancing the city budget, cuts to services are inevitable. Before they start slashing funding or increasing user fees for services that actually improve the health and sustainability of our communities, our councillors should be cutting the budget for new roads and road widening -- to zero.

With your help, we can send a strong message to city council that Ottawa residents want better public transit, cycling, and pedestrian infrastructure -- not more roads. Sign the petition at Please tell as many people as possible to also sign!

Then mark your calendars for a weekend of fun outdoor events with Ecology Ottawa on July 25 and 26. We'll kick off the weekend on Friday evening with a screening of "Who Killed the Electric Car", in Dundonald Park at 9 pm (Somerset St. West, between Bay and Lyon). On Saturday, we'll host a barbeque featuring vegetarian-friendly food, live music, prizes, and games for the kids, from 2 to 5 pm in Central Park (in the Glebe, at Clemow and >>Bank). Hope to see you there!


Graham Saul
Chair, Ecology Ottawa

Speak out to the province against Queensway widening
From the Queensway Coalition: A decision on Queensway widening could be made by the province soon. Now is the time to write to the Ministry of the Environment in support of the various "bump-up" challenges and remind the Minister of the community concern over the potential widening of the highway and community desire for an honest assessment of more sustainable transportation alternatives. See more details and get the e-mail address to write to at

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