Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Municipal Election Campaign Donations

Concern over municipal election campaign donations from corporations and unions appears to be building (Councillor calls for corporate donations ban, CBC Ottawa web site, November 2, 2009). Whether or not proposed changes to the Province of Ontario’s Municipal election Act are passed, remains to be seen. But ethical dilemmas will persist for Councillors who receive contributions from prominent individuals who’s firms or employers could benefit from later decisions and actions taken by city council.

The phrase “my vote cannot be bought” has been heard quite often recently, particularly in connection with OSCG’s Lansdowne Live proposal. Nonetheless there were significant donations from corporations and prominent individuals to elected Councillor’s campaigns in 2006 (http://communities.canada.com/ottawacitizen, Political donations and Lansdowne Live, David Reveley, September 30, 2009).

Reveley concludes he is comfortable “...that none of the winning candidates owes his or her seat on council to money from the Lansdowne Live proponents. Any connection is sure to be more subtle….” However, the article also notes that “…When a candidate got money from these guys, chances are he or she also got money from other developers and builders and consultants, for instance, who might get pieces of Lansdowne work if Lansdowne Live goes ahead…”

While the total amount of contributions is small in relative terms, it is difficult to believe that such contributions do not influence collective decision making in some way. Only nine elected Councillors did not accept donations from OSEG members in 2006.

I have posted previously on the issue of corporate campaign contributions. My concerns will not be satisfied by proposed amendments to the Act now being considered by the Province. It is disturbing that provincial law continues to allow contributions of this nature when strict measures to limit implications of inappropriate election contributions have been enacted at the federal level.

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