Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Letter to Councillor Peter Hume

Re: Group opposes Alta Vista corridor plans, Eddie Rwema, Your Ottawa, Feb 3, 2011

Councillor Hume,

I am writing in response to your statements concerning the planned AVTC development as reported in Your Ottawa. Unfortunately your statements are not supported by the facts. Further, you fail to acknowledge the strong opposition to the development of the AVTC by residents and community associations across the municipality over many years.

Firstly, your statement that “The opposition to the hospital link is mostly concentrated within the executive of one community association...” is inaccurate. A large percentage of Riverview Park residents is in opposition to this development and they have made their views and concerns know to the Alta Vista Community Association (AVCA). Further, past members (individuals and community associations) of Citizens for Health Communities (CHC) who campaigned against development of this road for many years remain opposed to the development. I have no doubt that you will be hearing more from them during the budget review process.

You go on to say that other community associations in Ward 18 are supporting the project because they believe in the greater good of the city and that “they know that the people of Ottawa will need a proper road and transit route to the Ottawa Hospital as it grows.” You also say that “the easy position would be to oppose that hospital link and offer my full support to that position. However, the easy decision is not always the right decision....There are times when elected officials must think beyond the boundaries of their constituency and take what must be the unpopular decision. I've learned that you can't please everyone all the time but you can't go wrong when you do the right thing.”

It is my recollection that you sat on the fence for many years as the environmental assessment phase progressed, at the same time giving residents and CHC members the impression that you opposed the development. However, when it came time to vote on the issue it is no surprise you respected the wishes of the developer community who have provided substantial financial support to you past election campaigns. You did the right thing for the developers, not the Ward 18 residents. This line of thinking is also reflected in many of your past actions, city wide, as chair of the city's planning and environment committee as well as in your present role as chair of planning committee.

I request that you respect the concerns of Riverview Park residents and others by asking city council to delay any budgetary allocations for this project pending a full and open review of the detailed plans for this road with members of the community. There are many practical and less costly alternatives that need to be considered before proceeding with this development.

Yours sincerely,

Colin Hine