Monday, August 10, 2009

Flooding follow-up

Kathleen Petty interviewed Councillor Peter Hume on CBC Ottawa Morning today (Aug 10, 2009). The key issue was insurance industry concern over the large increase in claims due to storm related flooding. Hume did not really have anything new to say, but instead used the interview as an opportunity to attack Jim Watson. He agreed with most of Kathleen Petty’s observations and acknowledged that the Fernbank development might require rethinking. But no evidence of any real plans was offered.

Councillor Gord Hunter is also weighing in on this issue; suggesting that home buyers likely could not afford increased home prices that would result if builders were required to install sewage/storm drainage pipes and infrastructure that would handle the types of flooding that has occurred recently. Really! Does this mean that we can look forward to continuing construction of homes and subdivisions without adequate drainage infrastructure? And what about all the existing homes that are susceptible to flooding? Again, no talk of real plans!

The term “hundred year storm” has been used many times recently in connection with recent flooding events. This term is clearly misused in the context of changing weather patterns resulting from climate change. Neither the City of Ottawa, nor City Council, has the required skills or the necessary resources to mange this issue alone. Long term solutions are needed and this needs cooperation from all levels of government.

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