Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why so much rush over the stadium?

It is difficult to understand why there appears to be such urgency in coming to a decision over a new sports stadium. The deadline is being driven by the plans of corporate enterprises and not by the city’s agenda. The city has higher priorities than a sports stadium and has no resources to invest in such an endeavor at this time anyway!

A project of this scale requires considerable research and planning before council can make an informed decision. Importantly, the site for such a facility needs to be well served by public transit (both now and in the future).

According to the Ottawa Citizen, Stadium site report confuses issue – Randall Denley, Feb. 24, 2009, “Council needs to narrow its focus to make a decision.” Denley criticizes Councillor Peter Hume for favoring a consultant’s report that brings several other sites into play. I tend to agree with Hume on this issue. However, I also agree with a comment on the article posted by Massey Mail today; here it is:

“Hume -- the "most sensible guy on council"? If true, that is a sad commentary on council. More likely, he is just the one who plays it safest -- and follows the winds and developers whims. If he ends up being mayor, we will be stuck with four years of visionless leadership (e.g. where was Hume during the bus strike and the time leading up to it?). You may not agree with everything Clive Doucet says (I know I don't), but at least he dares to think about the long term and outside the box.”

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